My memories from Varna
23rd of April was a trip to Bulgaria. Together with Lilianna and Patrycja I was among those selected from students actively participating in the Comenius project. I would say at the begining that Bulgaria was amazing.
A plane flight… not everyone had the opportunity to travel in this way. In total, we flew four times (Berlin - Vienna, Vienna - Varna and back).
First, what we thought while coming close to Varna is: "Where is the sea?" After landing and saying goodbye to each other, each of us went to the families who we were supposed to live with.
My first talks? - "I hope that you will understand me, and I will understand you." And then we exchanged general information about ourselves. After unpacking at a separate room in the house, we went to visit the Sea Garden in Varna.
The whole day passed well. Talking to foreigners intrigued me very much, finally I realized how useful English is.
The next day, together with the families where lived Liliana and Patrycja we visited the Cape Kaliakra. Beautiful views made an impression on us, and that sometimes can be seen here in a sea of dolphins. We took a joint photograph.
Then we got acquainted with our peers from other countries. At the beginning of the conversation could be heard only our peers from the school in Bulgaria, who were talking to each other. Then we all talked together.
The next day, along with our peers from other countries we visited Veliko Tarnovo - the former capital of Bulgaria. We observed even more beautiful views there - a wonderful mountainous terrain, the walls of the castle and the castle on the summit. From this place we have the most wonderful pictures.
The next day we visited the lessons of our peers from the Bulgarian school. Their excellent level of mathematics surprised us. Then presentations of partner cities was held. Then we went to the mall and visited the dolphinarium. It was great to see dolphins. On the last day we went to school, then we heard presentations by peers such as dance schools in Bulgaria. Then we walked around the city.
At the end I met Patrycja, Liliana, all of us and our host families joined Mrs. Ania Ostrowska and Mrs. Elżbieta Łuczak at the airport.
I would be so happy if I could go to another country or to Bulgaria again. An unforgettable experience. What is the most important: raised the bottomline is that it`s worth learning English.
Krzysztof, Szczecin(Poland)