I spent my holiday at work. In Niechorze this is small city near the sea, This is a typical resort village. I was working in a shop with souvenirs. There was everything that was related to the sea, seaside and much more. This shop was the largest in whole Niechorze. I worked 12 hour per day with a 3 hour break for lunch, sunbath, swim and explored the city and meet people. In the first week I became friends with the owner of a nearby bar, his name is Kuba. We spent a lot of time together talking about work, people and what happened in the city. We organized some karaoke nights for people working around my shop and his bar. To our surprise, it came a lot of people there. We talked about everything and drank beer, drinks and ate meat - grilled. In short time I got to know a lot of new people in Niechorze.
When I had a break I took care of my younger niece, she`s 9 y.o.. I taught her how to swim and dive. She swam very well for her young age. She is a very smart child. After work I helped Kuba in his small business I fried meat. Many times
I went to the disco “Baltyk” or “Dzazga” with my friends. Dzazga it’s a small club near the sea. In this club are two parquets on separate floors. It was a crazy time for me.
I was talking with people about nothing all night until cows come home. It was a very happy time for me. I have been in touch with the people encountered in Niechorze until now.

The weather was splendid, I stayed always outside to play or to bronze the beach. I met new people. They are very friendly.(Maybe the next year I will work with them in Spain during summer holidays.) Every day it were sun, relaxation, restaurant, evening on the beach. The paradise! I bought too. Of course ^^ I visited the south of France and the Spanish coast. It was beautiful, the landscape was really sublime!
Axelle IND, Belgium
that was very cool with the sun and my exams.
but I met new people.
In july I went to france i went to the beach with my friends. the sun shined. I swem very much! it was realy tireding. but fantastic!
bye evrybody.
Antoine IND thuin.
Hello everybody,
I'm Romain. During the holiday, I went to the Camp Patro. It was in Ogy in Belgium. I was animator. I had four children. It was very funny but I was tired in the evenings because I played very much with their. In the night, I sleeped very good. It was really fanstatic. Next the camp patro, I go out with my friends.
Romain IND, Belgium
pI spent my holiday at work for school, that wasn't really funny... I was really tired and tense, every day... Especially the day of results! But I passed, that was a wonderful new for me ! I was really relieved at this time... And my parents too ! After that, school has recommenced and this wasn't a good new for me !
But I was on holiday, too, in France... On a paragliding's holiday. Splendid wather and splendid activities ! Only with my father, that was...different ! Really hard but good. Wonderful week on mountains
After a good year of school, It is holiday! During my holiday, I worked one month to have some money. I worked two weeks for the city of Thuin and two weeks in a nursing home. It was great because I met new people and I had a lot of money. During last month, I went on holiday two weeks with my parents and my brother in France. The wear was very nice; I was going to swim every day. We visited a lot of city.
When I came back, I passed the end of my holiday with my friends. I was in the cinema with my friends, we made the shopping … I was not very happy to start again the school but the school is very important.
Adélaïde, IND
Hello everyone! I'm Sophie. I am 17 years and I come from Belgium. I left for Turkey during ego July with my parents. It made very good and the hotel was great (swimming pool, sea, sun, toboggans. ) The only disadvantage was that the majority of the people spoke German. The organizers and the waiters were nice and pleasant.I worked all the month August at Carrefour like job student.I stays satisfies when I was paid! Every day I was to raise me to 4:30 and I returned at home to 14:00. Even if I worked every day I could see my friends. One was going to make shopping, to drink glass. This summer was perfect.
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